Meal Prep Services... Underrated or Overrated?
Personally... OVERrated.
Why? Every meal prep service I have ever used in my life has never gotten me closer to my goals. That’s not to say that there aren’t good ones out there! However, I have personally never had good experience with them.
In fact, I've used several meal prep companies in the past, following the macros I'm supposed to be following for my body & goals. But every single time, I just slowly start to fade into a pile of garbage.
I just do not look the same as if I cook the food.
Here’s some reasons as to why, if you’re currently using a service, you’re not hitting your goals ⤵️ 1.) The calories on the label just aren’t accurate. Labels are already allowed to be up to 20% inaccurate on a global packaging scale. Some of these small meal prep companies don’t even have much regulations, so it could be even worse. 2.) There’s a ton of sodium 🧂 in them typically. Which makes you hold more water depending on your activity level. A lot of sodium also makes you MORE hungry so... When the food is gone, you wanna eat something else still. Making it damn near impossible to be the only thing you eat everyday. 3.) There’s something about making it yourself that helps you eat less. When it’s always there, it’s like, yeah why not?? I’ll have some more.
The truth is, our physical goals all come down to simple daily tracking.
Whether it’s losing bodyfat, maintaining or gaining muscle. The reason most people don’t track is because they don’t want to deal with learning how to do it or they don’t want to take the time to track it. That’s like saying… "I don’t want to read to get smart." We ALL need to read or listen at some point if we ever want to make money. That’s a fact. So we all have and will continue to do that. It’s time you finally read and learn something that will make you infinitely more happy than your bank account though. Like the body you love seeing in the mirror everyday.