The Myth: Salt is 'Bad' for you.
The Reality: Excessive Salt Intake is not ideal. Just like anything in Excess 🤷♀️
(Excess Alcohol Intake, Water Intake, Multivitamin Intake & even Fibre Intake from Fruit & Vegetables can be 'Un-Healthy').
However, simply adding Table Salt to your Meals & / or Cooking with Salt for flavour & seasoning is not an 'Excessive' Salt Intake.
If you have Salt-Sensitive Hypertension, a reduction in your Salt Intake would be recommended by your GP or Specialist (& you should follow their specific recommendations).
If you are otherwise 'Healthy', a drastic decrease in Salt Intake has not shown uniform benefit in clinical trials.
As it stands, both very high & very low intakes are associated with Cardiovascular Disease.
Rather than micromanaging your Salt Intake, focus on filling your Dietary Approach with more 'Whole Foods' than 'Processed Foods' as this will be far more beneficial to your overall Health.
For Eg. Throughout your day, fill your Plate with mostly Fruit, Vegetables, Wholegrains, Diary & Lean Proteins > Highly Palatable Processed Foods such as Cookies, Cakes, Crisps & Margarine.
There is a place for Highly Palatable Foods as a part of a Balanced Dietary Approach, but they shouldn't be your entire Dietary Approach.
(let's be honest, you're probably not going to Look, Feel & Perform at your BEST if that is the case - Right?)