Christmas/Lockdown weight gain can hang around for up to 6 months. Which means if you don’t keep things in check over December, all that merry cheer could still be around your waistline until June!
How to get your mind right (so your body will follow)
1. Understand that “breaking even” on your weight during lockdown… is a big win!
Let’s face it, Christmas is a time when most people gain a few kilos so let alone lockdown, if you can maintain your weight and exercise routine during this time, give yourself a big pat on the back! Seriously, this is a big win in anyone’s book. If you implement some of my healthy tips, you’ll be able to achieve this goal, and still enjoy the fun.
2. Set realistic goals over lockdown
Lockdown might not be the best time to aim for your best weight loss result of the year, and if you set goals that are too harsh, you might be tempted to cheat, so set realistic health goals. Instead of weight loss, perhaps your goals for January could be to achieve a minimum number of workouts each week, or maybe you’ll decide to set (and follow!) a maximum number of drinks you’ll have at your next event.
3. Have realistic expectations
December might not have been the best time for weight loss but don’t assume it will be a write-off because it doesn’t have to be!
I believe the best approach to losing your lockdown weight is… not to gain weight in December. Believe me, it IS possible to get through the holidays without gaining weight and the best part is: you don’t even have to skip the Christmas pudding!
4. Accept that not every occasion is a ‘special occasion’ that requires a ‘special indulgence‘
I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Friday is not a special occasion. Neither is Saturday. And just because it’s a day in December, does NOT make every day Christmas! We all like to treat ourselves on special occasions but considering December lockdown is typically chock-full of events it might be time to add a measure of restraint and decide, ahead of time, when and where you’re going to indulge and when you’re going to stay strong and keep the festive treats to a minimum.
One of the best things you can do to get ready to reach your personal goals in 2021 is to plan ahead.
Planning ahead includes having a specific goal, a time frame for which you want to achieve that goal, as well as a good training plan which you have studied before the start date and a diet plan which is tailored to the type of foods you enjoy.
If you have all of these things ready for January then 2021 will definitely be the year you smash your goals!